🔥 "Unlock the 50% OFF Trial That's Shaking Up the Health World—Artery Cleanze: The Heart & Brain Miracle Your Doc Doesn't Want You to Know!
💥 "Ditch the $59 Price Tag! Get 30 Days of Heart & Brain Protection at 50% OFF—Act Fast, This Deal's Too Hot to Last!"
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Unlock Nature's Secret Arsenal—The Heart & Brain Saviors Your Doc Hopes You Never Find Out! Ditch the Scalpel and the Meds, We're Going All-Natural, Baby!
🎯 "Listen Up! If You're Ticking Off Any of These Symptoms, You're On a Collision Course for a Heart & Brain Meltdown—But There's a Way Out!"
Ready to Kick Blood Clots and Arterial Plaques to the Curb? 
Want to Dodge the ER, Sidestep Surgery, and Say 'No Thanks' to Lifelong Meds? 
This Might Just Be the Most Crucial Message You'll Ever Hear!"
From: Sabrina Woods
Fremont, California
Tuesday, July 12, 2022
Common Symptoms Of Illness Caused By
Blood Clots & Clogged Arteries...
Stroke & Heart Attacks... Can be Stopped NATURALLY!
Most of us don't know we have it and sadly, many of us will find out too late... after they' already have a heart attack or stroke.

It is no secret that many people think that they're in perfect health and not giving heart disease a second thought, while its lurking, getting ready to strike us any moment, then in a single instant, everything changes forever.... For many, the medical industry and modern medicine have little to no answers at all concerning strokes & heart attacks.

Often times, it's one medical procedure after another with little hope for answers. Angioplasty and By-Pass are often prescribed or recommended for clogged arteries. Exercise is recommended, managing hypertension is recommended and taking Lipitor for cholesterol -- among so many drugs -- are recommended. It is one thing after another for most people with heart disease.

Effective natural heart therapies such as herbs are being crushed before they reach the public because the medical establishment can't charge big bucks for them. If these inexpensive natural treatments happen to slip though, they are often lambasted and debunked by mainstream doctors who are more worried about their job security than your health.

Before we proceed to talk about how ArteryCleanze™ can help you, we have pleasure to expose to you the six heart treatment hoaxes that could literally save you thousands of dollars and even your life...
Six Heart Treatment Hoaxes You Must Know!
Before we proceed to talk about how ArteryCleanze™ can help you, we have pleasure to expose to you the six heart treatment hoaxes that could literally save you thousands of dollars and even your life...
The Main Ingredients in ArteryCleanze™
Ingredient # 1 : Lumbrokinase Extract
Ingredient # 2 : EDTA
Other Proprietary Blend of Herbs In ArteryCleanze™
Ingredient # 3 : Acai Berry
The acai berry is an inch-long, reddish-purple fruit. It comes from the acai palm tree, which is native to Central and South America.

Some studies show that acai fruit pulp is even richer in antioxidants than cranberries, raspberries, blackberries, strawberries, or blueberries.

People eat acai berries to address various health conditions. But so far, acai berries have no known health benefit that’s different from similar fruits.

Acai oil may be a safe alternative to other tropical oils used in beauty products, such as facial and body creams, anti-aging skin therapies, shampoos, and conditioners. When acai oil is processed and stored long-term, the antioxidant levels remain high.
Ingredient # 4 : Bromelain Extract
Bromelain, an extract from pineapple stem, has demonstrated antithrombotic and anticoagulant activities in vivo. Bromelain reduced the adhesion of bound, thrombin stimulated, fluorescent labeled platelets to bovine aorta endothelial cells, and was shown to be as effective as the proteases papain and trypsin, on the basis of mass concentrations.

Heart researchers found that intravenous application at 30 mg/kg was slightly more active in reducing thrombus formation in arterioles (13%) and venoles (5%), which suggests that orally applied bromelain is biologically active. These results may help to explain some of the clinical effects observed after bromelain treatment in patients with thrombosis and related diseases.
Ingredient # 5 : Selenium
Selenium is an essential trace mineral that is widely regarded in scientific communities as a potentially powerful antioxidant. Studies suggest that it may protect against cardiovascular disease and certain forms of cancer.

As an antioxidant, it helps to slow the aging process, and protects against a number of degenerative disorders. In one ten-year study, men who took 200 mg of selenium daily had 50% less risk of developing cancer compared to the norm.

In cases where oxidative stress appears to be the cause of rheumatoid arthritis or blood vessel damage leading to heart disease, low blood levels of selenium have been found to be a contributing factor.
Ingredient # 6 :Cayenne Pepper
Cayenne pepper (or cayanne pepper as it's sometimes spelled as) increases metabolism by immediately influencing the venous structure. It is nothing short of amazing with its effects on the circulatory system as it feeds the vital elements into the cell structure of capillaries, veins, arteries and helps adjust blood pressure to normal levels.

Yes, cayenne pepper for high blood pressure is certainly one of its core uses, but cayenne cleans the arteries as well, helping to rid the body of the bad LDL cholesterol and triglycerides. Considering that heart disease is the number one killer in America, this is significant.
Ingredient # 7 : Hawthorn Berry
Hawthorn Berry helps to promote the health of the circulatory system, treat angina, high blood pressure, congestive heart failure and cardiac arrhythmia and has been found to strengthen the heart.

Hawthorn is widely regarded in Europe as a safe and effective treatment for the early stages of heart disease and has been used for a number of ailments including angina, myocarditis, arteriosclerosis, nervous conditions like insomnia, and diarrhea.

It has also been indicated for strengthening blood vessels, vascular insufficiency and blood clots, restoring the heart muscle wall, lowering cholesterol and to aid digestion.
Stop Strokes & Heart Attacks Forever...Say "Good-bye" To Angina Chest Pain, Shortness of Breath,Extreme Tiredness and Fatigue Forever, Have Healthier Heart & Speed Healing of Heart Disease & Stroke From Clogged Arteries
Even if you have tried treatments or other products with some of the same ingredients I urge you to give ArteryCleanze™ a try. I too had tried to find relief but only after I discovered the unique synergistic formula that I use in ArteryCleanze™ did I actually find the pain relief and healing that met my high safety and effectiveness standards.
If you want safe relief from:
Then ArteryCleanze™ can help you stop the deathly strokes & heart attacks.
  • Strokes
  • Angina or chest pain
  • Cold hand & feet
  • Brain fog
  • Extreme tiredness & constant fatigue
  • Headache, nausea and vomitting
  • Heart attacks
  • High blood pressure
  • Shortness of breath
  • Loss of balance when walking
  • Leg pain and cramps
  • Low sex drive & unable to maintain erection
Here's what FORMER angina pain sufferers have to say about ArteryCleanze™!
“Hi, I just want to tell you that I tried ArteryCleanze™, and I am amazed. My chest pain went on for over 1/2 years; I actually went to see a doctor. The doctor gave me blood thiner, along with Plavix and ask recommend to do an angiogram

When I saw your ads on WebMd, I know I have to try ArteryCleanze.

Since my condition is serious, I took 6 ArteryCleanze™ capsules a day as recommended by Steve, and in 41 days, I felt so good as my pain started to ease!

After 8 months of ArteryCleanze™, I have been jogging like I always did, and I no longer have chest pain or shortness of breath!

It was so simple and easy. Thank you, it’s great to be able to do the thing I like most again and not suffer.”

Eric Woon
“I'm 67 and I have been experiencing chest discomfort a years ago. Ct Scan showed that my arteries was 70% blocked and I was advised to undergo angioplasty"

Fortunately, my wfe's friend introduced me to ArteryCleanze and the rest is history. After approximately 6 months of ArteryCleanze ( 4 capsules a day ), I no longer felt chest pain and no angioplasty is required. I am currently taking ArteryCleanze™ 2 capsule twice a day as maintenance dosage.

Andy Brock
I'd like to say "thank you"
I was skeptical about being able to be free from angina symptoms, and I thought the only way to prevent heart attacks is having by-pass surgery...especially after years of suffering and having to take so many OTC drugs.

I can't thank you enough for making ArteryCleanze™ available. I am so pleased. Now I can live without worrying about heart attacks and strokes

I have never been one to be impressed by testimonials so I don't know how much weight mine will have, however, if it helps please feel free to use any of it.

Once again, thank you.

Lily Anderson
A Really Powerful Herbs!
I just want to write and say thank you for recommending ‘ArteryCleanze’ to me. I have been experiencing angina, chest discomfort and extreme tiredness for a while now. After about 4 months of ArteryCleanze, my angina & chest discomfort disappeared and I have a lot of stamina now. ‘ArteryCleanze’ has really made me feel like a young man again. Thank you

Michael Carrick
Thanks for the ArteryCleanze, so far I have taken one box of ArteryCleanze along with a box of Detorex and have had some positive results with both. I have been closely monitoring my vitals. Prior to beginning arteryCleanze and Detorex I had mild sporadic chest pains with just a short walk to my car at the end of our parking lot about a 1/4 mile that would go away once I was settled in the car and my blood pressure was always elevated. This was a month ago.

Today I took a six mile walk with no pain with my BP was at 130/89 after the walk which normally a short walk would have my BP highly elevated at the 911 levels. I was in shock!! So I will continue with this regiment and closely monitor.

But for now where I used to have a constant awareness of my heart, It's got to where I barely notice it. Which is pretty good for someone who has survived 4 heart attacks. I feel like I'm in the beginning stages of the reversal of my heart disease. That's why I stretched my budget sooner than I wanted to continue with it longer being careful not to run out because of the claim of a greater benefit with per-long use. I also purchased some Detorex as well.

I see my Cardiologist Feb, 20. Hopefully he will order a stress test where they shoot you up with nitro and take some pictures so I can see how effective the ArteryCleanze has been. Because after my last stent (#6) there was some blockage. I fee like have at least a new start. I became a grandfather for the first time and am looking forward to seeing her graduate.

Thank you! I am 59 years old. I have diabetes, high blood pressure and I have an artery that is 60% blocked and have angna pain when I exercise.

Doctor advised me to stop any form of exercise as this can trigger a heart attack.

I started taking ArteryCleanze™ about 3 moths ago, I did as you said, and I am happy to say that I have had little to NO chest pain or discomfort after 3 months of ArteryCleanze™!

I actually felt liberated! I'm very confident that my blockage has reduced as I no longer having shortness of breath.

Again, thank you, and don't stop sending emails!!!


Simon Jenkins
ArteryCleanze™ Really Work!
How many packs of ArteryCleanze should I order?

To experience the maximum health benefits, taking ArteryCleanze for 3 to 6 months will release a super highway of health benefits which include removing arterial plaques, boost up your energy level, support immunity, improve metabolism and help with weight loss

This is why we give you the option to make The ArteryCleanze available as a 1,2, 3, 4, 6, 8 & 10 bottle package at an outrageous discount, because we want you to succeed. The 6-month package is the most beneficial and nearly all of our customers choose that one. You are welcome to choose that one too for as long as it’s in stock.

Is ArteryCleanze 100% Natural?

YES, ArteryCleanze is 100% Natural, backed up by solid scientific research and is made in a clean, modern FDA approved and GMP (good manufacturing practices) certified facility with regular audits and quality checks.

ArteryCleanze contains 100% natural ingredients. If you have a medical condition it's recommended you discuss it with your doctor.

ArteryCleanze contains nature’s finest nutrients for all day cleansing properties. You won’t feel jittery or on edge. Instead, you’ll be overflowing with energy.

The ArteryCleanze is a one of a kind heart supplement that cleanse your body off arterial plaques, revs up your immunity, metabolism to super-fast levels, enabling you to burn off pounds of fat and be in complete control of your weight.

How fast will I see result?

It all depends on your current health condition. Everybody is different. But most users see some great improvement after 1-2 weeks with ArteryCleanze.

How do I take ArteryCleanze?

For best result, take 2 capsule in the morning after breakfast

How soon will I receive my order of ArteryCleanze?

Most people will receive their order in 4 – 10 days within US. Shipment outside of US will take around 10-21 days for international shipping and customs. Expect some delay during Pandemic.

Is this a single, one-time payment?

Yes, it is. ArteryCleanze is a single transaction processed by our trusted payments processor Authorized.net. The payment is secure and uses the same encryption technology as Amazon and online banks. You’ll never be billed anything else without your consent and there are absolutely no hidden costs.

How do I get help with my supplement or order?

If you need any help or information on how to take ArteryCleanze or if you’d like to contact our friendly customer service, you can get in touch by emailing us on the contact page below. An agent will be happy to respond to you within 24 hours on week days.
Why Choose Artery Cleanze?
Cholesterol Lowering Drugs and Blood Thinner

Want To STOP Taking Drugs Right Away?

"With ArteryCleanze™, You Get At Least 10 Times Your Money Worth!"
How much does ArteryCleanze™ cost me?. $200, $150 or $100 per month? You may ask.
Well. You may be surprised that such a benefits-laden product doesn’t cost you $200, $150 or even $100. The price for a 30 day supply of ArteryCleanze™ cost you only $59.00.

This means that ArteryCleanze™ actually cost you approximately $1.97 per day, less than the cost of a Starbuck coffee, an affordable price that are sure to fit into even the tightest budget.

Compared to all the priceless moments you stand to lose if you don’t make a change right now, isn’t $1.97/day just a painless drop in the bucket compared to the money you’re going to waste on ineffective products that not just waste your money but also sabotage your health? You can even think of this another way.
What else can you do for $59 that can so greatly improve the quality of your life, your woman’s life and your family. By now if you are not jumping up and down thinking “Yes! Yes!” then I know the only other thing that you could possibly be thinking of is, you are still skeptical.

You are worry that “ ArteryCleanze™ won’t work for me. Nothing ever work for me “.

Is that really the truth ?.

Come on, think about it. ArteryCleanze™ has been extensively researched, evaluated, clinically tested and proven effective. It has worked for men & women around the globe. Why would you still be the only one still thinking ArteryCleanze™ wouldn’t work on you?.

Now, Set your mind at ease, forget all that, the bottom line is that it doesn’t matter.

Because you are not going risk one dime, and I will personally guarantee that you will be successful with this product or I will give you 100% of your money back.

So, do you want it? Good. If I didn't believe, deep in my heart, you would want to try ArteryCleanze™, I wouldn't have bothered pouring my heart out to you.

But with so many products out there, and no objective scoreboard to tell you which one works and which does not, how can you be sure you are not going to be ripped off?

Maybe you are shaking your head and saying and thinking, "This is too good to be true." I don't blame you for being skeptical.

Many dishonest companies try to take advantage of you and scam you out of your money.

That is not the case here. And, there is a "test" that is a very accurate indicator of whether or not any product offered to you is true or not true. And that test is...
Eminently Affordable
Does Your heart health Worth
More Than $1.97 / day?
What I mean about that is, when you get involved with a fat-cat that is trying to cheat you, they always paint a rosy picture of what you will get after you pay them a lot of money. However, what I've been thinking about is how you can get this product without risking a dime?

And, I've put a lot of time and energy into that question.

You see, in order for "all-in-one" ArteryCleanze™ to "stand-out-from-the-crowd" I needed a way to prove to you...beyond a shadow of a doubt... it is everything I've said it is – an all natural, completely harmless way for you to stop strokes & heart disease...in the fastest time humanly possible...
I'm not even going to dream of asking you to take any financial risk if you think ArteryCleanze™, is not exactly what you have been looking for. No, I'm going to make it as easy, and as simple, as is humanly possible for you to try this amazing new formulation you won't anywhere else out for yourself... without risking a single dime of your own money.
So, here's what I've come up with:
You can't lose with our 100%,
ironclad, moneyback guarantee
( 60 capsules a pack )
90 Days No-Strings Attached Money Back Satisfaction Guarantee
Why would I offer a guarantee like this? Because I am 110% convinced you will be delightful with the benefits that ArteryCleanze™ would bring you. Listen, I want people be extremely happy with ArteryCleanze™. I don’t want any unhappy customers
" Take Full Advantage Of The 100% 90 days No String Attached Money Back Satisfaction Guarantee...."
The Money-Back Satisfaction Guarantee is my personal promise……
If within 90 days, and for any reason whatsoever, you feel that ArteryCleanze™ is not for you, Just return ArteryCleanze™ to us, and I’ll refund you immediately, no question asked!

There will be no hard feelings and we can still be friends. I trust in this potent herbal formulation, and I believe after you have experienced the same results as many men who have tried it before you, you will find it impossible to take me up on my "almost too good to be true" guarantee.

But why am I willing to give you a 90-days money back guarantee?

Does that sound strange to you? I'm sorry if it does, but I know what it's like to be ripped off time and time again by useless pills, and it's not nice. I've already told you I've been a victim myself. So, no matter what... I intend to treat you like I would like to have been treated myself. In other words, I believe you deserve to be able to try my product out...risk free.
If you are not happy with the benefits ArteryCleanze has to offer, we will issue a full refund! Just contact us in the first 90 days from your purchase, even if you used up the entire bottle or not, we would still give you your money back.

This means you have 3 whole months to see if ArteryCleanze is the right choice for you or not. No hidden fees or subscriptions. Just a safe and secure one-time simple payment.

Make your choice by clicking below, enter your payment details on our secure order form, and place the order now. We will ship your bottles directly to your home.
Our Ironclad 90-day, Money-Back Guarantee
How can I afford to be so generous?
Very easy – so far, every single man & women I know of who has used this amazing product has experienced results that – as you saw in the above testimonials – almost defy belief.

And in truth, I know almost all of the people who try out ArteryCleanze™, become repeat customers – ordering many more packs of this amazing pills – again and again.

While I cannot legally guarantee that ArteryCleanze™ WILL work for you 100%, the evidence and proof of how well ArteryCleanze™ has worked for our existing customers stack the odd heavily on my shoulder.

So, I'm very confident it is going to work wonders for you too. And I firmly believe when you experience the same remarkable results I have spoken about in this letter, you will undoubtedly become a repeat and valued customer and friend of mine also.
Here's the deal: If you want to get your 30-day supply, then you need to move fast... right now, in fact... before it's too late. There are only a certain amount of "no risk" packs being made available.

For the fastest possible service, all you need to do is have your credit card handy and click here.

That's all there is to it. As soon as I receive your order, the package will be sent to you within 24 hours! The price for a 30-day supply of ArteryCleanze™ is an absolute steal, too cheap in fact, at just $59.00, it's an absolute give-away when you consider how much it costs to have surgery.
You'll Be The Judge, Jury Or if Need Be, the Executioner.
Here's the deal: If you want to get your 30-day supply, then you need to move fast... right now, in fact... before it's too late.

There are only a certain amount of "no risk" bottles being made available.

For the fastest possible service, all you need to do is have your credit card handy and click here to order now.
Listen to your heart…

Don't put this off! Remember... you will not find ArteryCleanze, (or this offer), anywhere else on the planet. There's a very real, and very serious, chance this offer won't be around for very long! And if you don't get your supply of ArteryCleanze right now, you may never see this offer again... EVER!

I honestly hope to hear from you now!

Yours for Health and Longevity,
P.S. Please don't put this off. You can see by what our customers are saying that this is truly and honestly the real thing. If you're SERIOUS about your health, and you do use ArteryCleanze, the results you see will astonish you and put the "envy" into your friends.

If you have any questions, or queries about ArteryCleanze, then please don't hesitate to contact us below

P.P.S. One more thing – it's important. Because ArteryCleanze has undergone many years of professional studies, product development and testing, boosting patented technology for the extraction of herbal essences and so expensive to make, we do not keep a large supply of it on hand – it's just too darned expensive for us to do that. Instead, we have a close relationship with the lab to make sure we're well-stocked to handle expected orders.

But even so, sometimes we get so swamped with unexpected orders (some customer order 10 units at a time, for themselves and all their friends!) that we fall behind a little bit. So I urge you to order NOW and avoid any wait you might have if we're forced to run a new batch to fill orders.
Sabrina Woods
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Use only as directed. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or as a prescription for medication. Please read all packaging and labels carefully. Always consult your physician or health care provider before taking any supplement. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, please consult your physician or health care provider. The contents of this website are for informational purposes only. Not for use by children under the age of 18. Free shipping is to the United States only.

© 2022 ArteryCleanze.com